Never said the previous games were super hard just said morrowind and oblivion were harder in comparison to skyrim go run around max level in all three games and you can tell some differences especially between oblivion and skyrim. Dark Souls III - Fallen Knight Set - posted in Skyrim Mod Requests: Eventhough my PC cant run Dark Souls Reveal hidden. Elder scrolls will never be as hard as souls entirely because its meant to be a role playing game however it does not mean they cant experiment and give us better gameplay. Its not hard to make a game and make a dumbed down version and call it easy mode.

Scrolls games could improve greatly on combat and make it similar to souls games in way of combat for mele not saying complete copy and paste mechanics but every enemy should still be able to kill you in scrolls a disabled person could play bloodborne so I know if bethsda made a scrolls game with a similar feel and difficulty and allowed people the option to turn town the toughness from normal to insanely easy for people with issues like they do now there would be no problem. 3PCO removes this anchor and allows the camera to follow the player, resulting. This makes camera movement boring and action combat look static and unfun. In vanilla, the camera is locked to a fixed location above the character. Hit rating was actually a good thing not saying it cant be frustrating or boring at times for people but hit rating was always nice in games I never thought it was terrible I do enjoy a more faster paced game similar to souls games mechanics. What this mod does: 3rd Person Camera Overhaul (3PCO) aims to fix the stiff, unmoving vanity camera of vanilla Skyrim.